22 Oct 2016

Frank Mason again....

I have made a smaller than original reproduction from my newly aquired old print by Frank Mason. (more on the arrival of the original print here)
Fitted in appropriate in colour frame and bordered with the fresheness of the Somerset Velvet background.
It depictsSt. Michel off the coast of Normandy, France with the Abbey towering over it.
The print shows boats and people standing in a fairly shallow water - must be when the water is low.
Alas, there is a bridge now, or rather a board-walk, much to the loss of the scenery...

17 Oct 2016

Autumn vs. Fall

Fall and autumn are both accepted and widely used terms for the season that comes between summer and winter. Some who consider British English the only true English regard fall as an American barbarism, but this attitude is not well founded. Fall is in fact an old term for the season, originating in English in the 16th century or earlier....(grammarist.com)

I had spent the Thanksgiving afternoon at the Arboretum and on the grounds of our modest Botanical Gardens at the Experimental Farm.
We rested enjoying the vernacular, beutifully weathered gazebo.

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