Showing posts with label Goeffrey James. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goeffrey James. Show all posts

5 Mar 2013

Instrumentality & Reality

This is the title of a course I had once taken by Geoffrey James, intellectual and excellent photographer.
Disclaimer: Instrumentality & Reality was the course title in theory of photography and my choice of images below has nothing to do with the distinguished professor.

I love the messages below for their 
vigour, sincerity
& absolute instrumentality

But above all:
countless graphic designers
and illustrators
helped to make us smoke.
But at least it was done with style
and conviction.
Cheers to you all!


  "Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century." – Marshall McLuhan

Someone has just sent me this to add to may collection - don't you love how he inhales!
Actually, this ad doesn't sell cigs, the smoking is just an AID to sell something else... 

By the way, I am not a smoker but one cannot resist the charms of good advertising.
After all, it's just pictures...
And now, c'mmon, look at more adds

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