
Happy 2015 Everyone

Just to confirm, my Studio phone number has been changed, to something very very easy to remember:

(613) 400-1475
The 1475 sequence is so practical to remember, year1475 it is a birth date of the great man, Michelangelo, the creator of a breathtaking body of work, in pain and in stone.

Yes, the big news of this snowy season is that my Studio has been relocated.

Fret not - it is just around the corner:
448 Lyon St. 

There is no new signage yet, but it is a bit too cold and I am actually in the middle of the largest job this month.

So stay tuned and come and see me in my new digs.
Same phone number and email address, same old me..

The 2013 OTTAWA International Jazz Festival

The Festival opened last Friday with a super super gig by The Heavy.
Once again we are victorious, the jazz signage in the park and around is looking great. Look, there is still a lot of music going on tomorrow, so don't just sit around!
Lush greenery, amazing evening of music...

Wearing my white sandals - just to prove I was there...


Begun slow and cold,
by mid-May we had a 5.6 earthquake, now rainy.
It will surely warm up and the music will play, preparations for the summer events are well on its way. (sounds like some limerick, brrrr)
The studio is already buzzing with
of the upcoming summer festivals' graphics


Tulip Festival 2013

Attention all fans of Alexei's painterly tulips!
The Tourist Guide is by error pointing visitors to see his work at ARTzink, my Studio on Gladstone.
While everyone is cordially welcome, please note that the Tulips on Canvas are shown at the TULIP PLAZA, in front of the City Hall - some at the boutique and others in the VIP Tent.

Today, since visitors keep coming to see Alexei's work, the artist and I decided to make at least a small exposition of his limited edition prints at my Studio - edition Fine ART archival prints, smaller format, mated, all from the Tulip series. 
All available for purchase.

My distinguished colleague and favourite collaborator, Alexei has been selected to show at this year's Tulip Festival.
Beautiful selection of four large format gallery-stretched canvas images are currently available for viewing and sale at the Festival, some at the Boutique, other at the VIP tent:
This work is highly Coloutherapeutic!

Landygo, 40x30", print on canvas by ARTzink , $350

Floating Tulip, 36x48", print on canvas by ARTzink, $375

Merging, 40x30", print on canvas by ARTzink , $350
Ronda, 36"x48, print on canvas by ARTzink, $375

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
Exhibition 2013

Once again I was tipped about the show, this year I barely missed it.
I have made a post about this but it mysteriously disappeared, so here is a brief in pics:
The works of superbly gifted artists, artisans and book/paper/print lovers showing
> bookbinding
> marbling
> paper crafts
> bookbinding tools
> books on related subjects
> woodcutting
> illustration
> traditional printing
> calligraphy 

Superbly talented Margaret from LOCKS's Press, Kingston ON

Margaret's hand-printed woodcuts, hand-coloured

Small label printing machine shown for kicks

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