29 Apr 2014

The Children's Festival

Oh yeah, if anyone asks - it is that time of year and again I am working my butt on the Children's Festival.
See me, with my friend Pinocchio...

28 Apr 2014

The War

I rarely speak of my work on this blog, because I do that a lot at the Studio, but here it comes...
A few panoramic files came to be enlarged and reproduced.
One depicts Canadian troops ready for departure, "a red thin line", another - a scenery somewhere in France.

After all, it's been 100 years since the First World War broke out, senseless massacre that gulped millions and the world lost its innocence once again, my great grandfather left his beautiful wife and family and went to fight for the Keiser.
Forced to it, he knew it wasn't  his war, took bullets more often than fired them, spent most of his time in the Lazaret.
Life that never recovered.

My subscription of the Queens Review expired, but I bought the current issue lately.
It reminds of the gloomy anniversary, featuring one of the interesting Canadian War Artists - Nevinson, whose work I had privilege to reproduce.

23 Apr 2014

21 Apr 2014

Wonderful Easter

It was a long-awaited holiday and we enjoyed wonderful guests. Some are bringing with them books, angels, cards, hats, others food.
All brought good cheer and an appetite for my award-winning poppy-seed cake.

Happy Easter
Wesolego Jajka
Buona Pasqua 

Angel in a stand-still position vs Angel ready to fly...

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