24 Nov 2013

Mads MIkkelsen by A.Dragan

Much appreciated, much emulated both in style and colour.
Both Mads Mikkelsen and Andrzej Dragan.
Amazing portrait...

By the way, did I say it is -11C and snow on the streets of Ottawa?

20 Nov 2013

Mother's watercolours on canvas

Canvas Birch trees and the Oak tree, iron gate...
Curiously, two of Mom's relatively small files resulted very interestingly in larger format than other watercolour files - printed on canvas.
I am still working on the rest of the display of her works, those two present themselves tastefully...

9 Nov 2013


The good news is that I found the photographed images of another of my Mother's watercolours. This unassuming Still Life is delicate and speaks of the tender moments when she felt inspired to paint. 

I have reproduced it in larger scale today to a beautiful art print.


The other news are simple, yes, it is snowing today.
Mottled mass of wet snow and grass.
Wet, white, and there is more and more and more of it where it comes from....

1 Nov 2013

November 1st - Nasturtiums

It was sunny and amazingly warm around noon today.
Strong wind that caught this southerly air is surely going to bring cold at the end of its circle.
But in the meantime it is great. We did not loose power.

The last Nasturtium and Calendula were picked up few days ago, just before the frost.

They are now wilting.
The colours are still stunningly vibrant.

Calendula officinalis - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-024.jpg
Calendula Oficinalis
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