29 May 2011

Antony Romaszewski

Antoni Romaszewski died a little over a year ago.
Antek was a friend, a fellow artist and a compatriot, and a compadre with whom we had spent more time disagreeing than not, and it all suited  us and kept everyone nicely tensed.
Well-read, opinionated, prolific artist, and art elitist, consummate in everything.
Created intricate collages, staged objects playing the screenplay of his design.
I loved his home.
I love the homes where I do not feel afraid that if I am stranded there by some mysterious chance, I will shrivel from boredom. I wish to emerge after 3 days of emergency confinement filled with music I listened, movies I watched, books I had read, paintings I had seen, things I head heard and learned.....

Antony played a big one on all of us.

His heart gave out too soon, he was 56 years old and we were supposed to have fun now, when the children are grown up and gone, stresses of the mid-live race are subsiding and life is supposed to get easier, slower and more fun.
Well, death is a strict mistress, you cannot bargain.
Perhaps you can, but we couldn't, there was no chance.

We miss him very much, there are two small paintings of Antek in my Studio, I photographed them for everyone to enjoy.

Oil painting, Can$ 950.00
Oil painting, Can$ 850.00


Plans for commemorative book and retrospective exhibition of his work are continuing.
I will keep everyone posted.

5 May 2011

Children's Theatre

In May I help withe the graphic coverage of the Ottawa Children's Festival.
Some work is my job, some work for a number of years I have been donating to the Festival.

 I was lucky to grow up with theatre for children. I was born in the Poznan, in Poland so many years I almost cannot remember when...
The kid's theatre was called Marcinek (little Martin) and was located in some old building at St. Martin Street. Later I had learned that in the communist administration this street was Red Army Street, but since nobody called it that - communism seemed to have little effect...
The theatre was dark and small, wooden chairs.
My mother took me there when I was small, even before my sister was born.
The plays were magical - the music, the powerful voices of the actors, the colours, the shadows, the puppets.

I loved the treatre and asked my mother go take me there.
Once the play was great, as always, but suddenly there was commotion and I got a bit upset because the play stopped for a while. I notice people in white coats - the ambulance came and they took my mom away. I was four years old and my sister was born next morning - the labour started when things at the stage were getting really hot!

Forty years later I had found the theatre's website. At a new location it is now called The Animation Theater of Poznań.   http://www.teatranimacji.pl
I have written an email telling of my childhood's amazing experiences and about how my sister Lila was ALMOST born during a play.
A nice lady, one of the directors of the theater had written back and sent me some souvenirs - photos of plays, some printed programs, wonderful stuff!

The Ottawa Childrens Festival is a wonderful event, but Ottawa also needs a stationary Children's Theatre. There are zillions of children and young people, the winters are cold and long, not everyone plays hockey....

Calling all millioners:
Could anyone spear a million or so to establish the Kid's Theatre.
Look, I know a million bucks is no small talk, but I am sure you would get free tickets to EVERY PLAY and imagine the kicks your INNER CHILD would experience?
I understand, for that kind of money you could buy - I don't know, perhaps even a flight (short?) to the orbit, but consider the benefits of the CHILDREN"S THEATRE instead:
  • you wouldn't get stranded in the orbit, practically no chance
  • I could fix you with someone "at the top" and you could get to act in a play, maybe...
  • consider business opportunities - you could bring your important business negotiations right to the spotlight.
  • I don't know, maybe something else, I am getting lighheaded with  mental exertion...
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